Sunday, October 13, 2013

Common Problems Caused By Possums in the Roof

Why is it highly recommended to call Possum Control experts immediately? 
The title of this article may be misleading because possums are naturally solitary and territorial because there will only be “a possum” in your roof.  There can only be one male or one female possum in your roof.  However, female possums do get pregnant and have a wee possum with her for five to eight months. But having just one or two inside your home does not mean it is all right to be living with them.
There are many homeowners who do not mind having a possum in their roof and this is why they do not ask for the help of possum removal experts. You may be one of many Sydney households that have a possum in the roof who are not bothered by them, but take caution.  Possums are meant to live in the wild because there are things about them and their behavior that can be damaging or disrupting to humans and their homes.
·         Droppings on paved areas in the garden and inside the roof.   Driveways, poolside, porches are the most likely problem areas. 
·         Damage to garden plants and birds– if you do not have a garden, your neighbor may have one and this may cause them problems. Possums love buds and flowers, fruits, ferns, invertebrates, small birds and bird eggs.  Wouldn’t you prefer birds singing than possum mating calls and incessant scratching?
·         Damage to the roof cavity, insulation and wood structure.   Possums mark their territory by urinating on certain spots.  If the possum considers your home their “territory” then expect to have a very pungent smell permeating within the ceiling.  Insulations are usually damaged within weeks, leaving your family unprotected.
·         Unexpected noises at night. Possums are nocturnal and they do their business at night.  Mating calls and male possum squabbles usually happen near designated territories.  There will be days when they are relatively quiet but unfortunately the days when they decide to be noisy will give you and your family weeks of exhausting days of sleepless nights.
·         Considerable damage to property especially if the home is left unattended during vacations. If you are a homeowner who are fond of animals and have started feeding wild animals such as the possums, chances are, they will want to be fed instead of hunting on their own.  There is a good change that they will invade your living space just to get to the food source which they have gotten so used to.

So as much as there are so many who love animals in general, we should not forget that they are not meant to be domesticated, and it is bad for the animal and the human as well.  So before the possum starts getting comfortable in your roof, it is far better to deal with them in the post practical and safe way possible – Call a Possum Removal expert.

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