Monday, November 25, 2013

Choosing Driving Instructors for Sydney Learners

Finding the right driving instructor ensures that the driving lessons will go smoothly.  Taking the time to meet the driving instructor before the driving lessons commence is a good first step. 
The first few questions you need to ask is if the driving instructor is RTA (or Roads and Maritime Services) accredited and if he or she is a member of ADTA (Australian Driver Trainers Assn.).   The Accreditation and Membership means that the driving instructor is well equipped and has the knowledge to teach learners about proper driving and road safety in Sydney.  This also means that they have dual control vehicles which is very useful for learners who a bit more inexperienced. 
A driving instructor that encourages a relaxed and friendly atmosphere during the course of the lessons can build a confident and well-adjusted learner.  There are driving instructors who push their students to drive to impress.   Focus on safety and confidence is much more important so find driving instructors that have this outlook.
Sydney driving instructors should also understand that learners are eager to be driving on the road and may sometimes forget things, so patience is a virtue they should possess. Learners with strict unfriendly instructors will have a tendency to be on edge and make more blunders than usual – and that does not encourage road safety.
Structured lessons are a plus, so learners are taught systematically, making sure they know and understand what they are doing.  The Sydney streets are full of distractions and it would be unwise to unleash the first time driver just because he thinks he knows “a little driving” already.  Skipping learner steps could lead to a traumatic experience for both learner and pedestrians. 

Each driving student have different learning abilities and different levels of confidence so the length of driving lessons for students vary.  Some students may need more hours on the road to be deemed as a safe driver while others just need one or two sessions.  Choose a driving instructor who understands this and is able to adjust his lessons.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Common Problems Caused By Possums in the Roof

Why is it highly recommended to call Possum Control experts immediately? 
The title of this article may be misleading because possums are naturally solitary and territorial because there will only be “a possum” in your roof.  There can only be one male or one female possum in your roof.  However, female possums do get pregnant and have a wee possum with her for five to eight months. But having just one or two inside your home does not mean it is all right to be living with them.
There are many homeowners who do not mind having a possum in their roof and this is why they do not ask for the help of possum removal experts. You may be one of many Sydney households that have a possum in the roof who are not bothered by them, but take caution.  Possums are meant to live in the wild because there are things about them and their behavior that can be damaging or disrupting to humans and their homes.
·         Droppings on paved areas in the garden and inside the roof.   Driveways, poolside, porches are the most likely problem areas. 
·         Damage to garden plants and birds– if you do not have a garden, your neighbor may have one and this may cause them problems. Possums love buds and flowers, fruits, ferns, invertebrates, small birds and bird eggs.  Wouldn’t you prefer birds singing than possum mating calls and incessant scratching?
·         Damage to the roof cavity, insulation and wood structure.   Possums mark their territory by urinating on certain spots.  If the possum considers your home their “territory” then expect to have a very pungent smell permeating within the ceiling.  Insulations are usually damaged within weeks, leaving your family unprotected.
·         Unexpected noises at night. Possums are nocturnal and they do their business at night.  Mating calls and male possum squabbles usually happen near designated territories.  There will be days when they are relatively quiet but unfortunately the days when they decide to be noisy will give you and your family weeks of exhausting days of sleepless nights.
·         Considerable damage to property especially if the home is left unattended during vacations. If you are a homeowner who are fond of animals and have started feeding wild animals such as the possums, chances are, they will want to be fed instead of hunting on their own.  There is a good change that they will invade your living space just to get to the food source which they have gotten so used to.

So as much as there are so many who love animals in general, we should not forget that they are not meant to be domesticated, and it is bad for the animal and the human as well.  So before the possum starts getting comfortable in your roof, it is far better to deal with them in the post practical and safe way possible – Call a Possum Removal expert.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Possum Removal Don’ts

Possums are easier to deal with if they are a recent addition to your roof.  The longer it stays, the harder it is to do get rid of them.  Possum Removal may be as simple as making repairs on all possible entry points in the roof and finally securing the one entry point it uses after it leaves the roof for the night.  And hope that it gives up trying to gain entry as soon as it sees there is a barricade on its roof entryway.  But this does not happen very often.  Most possums do come back and try their best to get into the roof they have claimed as their territory.  In most cases, there is no other recourse but to call for possum removal services.  While you wait however, there are things you might be tempted to do but may make things worse and get you more exasperated than you already are.  Below is the possum Do Not list:
·         Attempt to get in the roof - with our without protective gears, this is a bad idea.  There might be things there that are far worse than the possum.  Your roof may have been a very attractive living space for the possum because it is teeming with bugs and insects that the possums love to eat for dessert – some of them may be poisonous and you’ll be in a whole lot of trouble.
·         Try and borrow your neighbor’s pet snake – it’s probably easy to just let out the snake in the roof.  But snakes are harder to catch and they are much more slippery than the possum.
·         Seal the roof while the possum is still inside – it gets nastier when it gets trapped.  It will certainly fight for survival.  And if survival means getting out of the roof, it will scratch and claw on the woodwork until makes a hole big enough for it to pass through. 
·         Cover up the roof and make repairs haphazardly – Again, possums are resilient, patient and equipped with strong arms and claws.  How do you think they can climb up huge trees so fast? They can remove pieces of wood and chicken wires in less than a minute so don’t even try repairing without the proper tools and materials.
·         Wait a long time before you decide to call for possum removal services – as mentioned before, the longer they stay, the harder it is to wean them out of the roof.

Proper possum removal involves a few steps -trap, repair, install possum box and release. Possum removal does not need any high tech gadget, just an understanding of what possums are and why they do certain things.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Found a Possum in my Roof this Morning! What do I do?

Possum invasion is a usual occurrence in a lot of Sydney suburbs, even more so for residents living at very close to bush lands and wild life reserves.  Just like me. The possums may seem like small furry harmless creatures but they do become a nuisance when the possum gets in the roof and decides to make it its home. I recall as saying…

                “It would have been quite aright if the possum in my roof had not decided to take residence during a dinner party.  But hearing the scuffling noise and the subsequent throat clearing sounds outside made my guests uneasy. We were supposed to lounge around in the newly built deck but decided against it considering that the sounds continued for a lengthy while.”

 Possums are nocturnal creatures and they are up the whole night, which of course do not go well with the main residents who live downstairs. They are solitary, but, they do make a lot of noise thumping across the ceiling, chasing smaller animals, scratching posts and other possum essentials.  If the possum you have is anything like the possum in my roof (who checked in two summers ago), then you’re in for long sleepless nights, unless that is, if you decide to call the possum removal experts right away.  I tried dealing with the possum in my roof on my own and it was one of the most stressful experiences.  You see, it cannot be caught and trapped or endangered in any way, or else you’ll be fined a few thousand dollars.  So, for your sanity’s sake I have prepared a list of things so avoid in case you find a possum very much like the one in my roof.
Do not repair your roof haphazardly.  Cover all holes like you mean business. Possums are equipped with awesome claws and they are relentless and determined.  They will do anything just to get into their home and if they have been in the roof for some time, they consider it their home. 
Do not feed it with intention to poison it.   This may well be the most tempting option but, it is illegal and you might have trouble locating and extracting it when kicks the bucket up there
Do not catch it and bring for a long drive into the wilderness and leave them there.  Lots of people to think about doing this but this is still illegal.    Doing this puts the possum in danger because it may not survive, if it does, it may come back into your roof. 
Do not get rid of the possum in the roof on your own especially if it involves firepower

The 'Bloody possums', he hissed, reached behind him to a bureau drawer and pulled out a revolver which he fired several times up into the ceiling. It was a bit of a conversation stopper, as small pieces of plaster drifted down to the tablecloth.
On the fourth shot there was a distant squawk of possibly marsupial origin, and the host beamed, and put away his shooter. 'Got the little bastard', he said happily and resumed his glass of shiraz.

The possum in my roof did leave but not after a battle of wills which went on for days.  I gave up in the end and called experts.  It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.  I can still hear them but I know they are far away enough not to bother my parties – tucked in possum boxes a few meters away from my property.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Driving School Learning Tips from Sydney’s Testing Officers


It all starts with getting the L plate, after a short exam and your own personal logbook.  So begins your journey to Sydney driving and the freedom and independence that goes with it.  It is nerve racking for most and quite exhilarating for some. And for most first timers in driving schools in Sydney, they seem to worry too much about the actual driving or operating this modern machine on wheels.  They completely forget the what driving schools teach about the other aspect of driving which involves everything that happens outside the car – Sydney’s road rules, road signs, and interacting with other cars.
Sydney’s Testing Officers understand how the driving test can be quite intimidating along with the fact that they should somehow impress a person they are not acquainted with. While it is understood that being under pressure makes the learners forget things here and there but there are just certain things that should come naturally after 120 hours of practice driving.  Based on their observations, while learners are still in driving schools, they should get used to the following driving practices until it becomes second nature.

·         Making your intensions known – Signaling is on the top of Sydney test officer’s blunder list.  It is a basic rule that prevents accidents and ensures smooth traffic flow.  Flicking the switch is not enough, allow the message to be noticed first (about 5 seconds) before moving from a curb or leaving your parking space. It’s not a good idea to leave it on either.

·         Checking Blind Spots and Mirrors – Learners somehow forget to pause to check before they merge into the main road traffic or changing lanes which could certainly lead to a sideswipe accident.  Practicing caution during the learning period required should produce a learner who makes himself aware of what going on around him.

·         Heeding the Stop Sign – Slowly rolling forward is not stopping.  Some learners do not seem to understand the meaning of the Stop Sign.  Some think it is a suggestion rather than a command. And there are still some who stop on top of the stop line instead of before it.  The stop sign is used to control traffic on busy streets and areas with limited or restrictive visibilities that are often used by both pedestrians and other vehicles. Learning to stop automatically on a stop sign is a practice that keeps people and drivers safe.

·         Calculating safe gaps in traffic – Yes, it does take experience and a lot of driving hours to get used to judging gaps and the relative speed of incoming traffic, but if a learner feels that this is his or her weakness, it’s better to do a lot of observing while an experienced driver is the one driving.  It’s probably not something you build upon in driving school but paying attention to what an expert driver does helps you with your judgment when it is your turn on the behind the wheel. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Know Your Sofas – Sydney Buying Guide


It is the biggest item you will be purchasing for your living room.  The whole look and feel of the room may be dictated by one of the best sofas Sydney has to offer.  It may also be quite the investment or a liability depending on your choice.  So before you go on a window shopping frenzy for the latest in sofas in Sydney, it his best to acquaint yourself about this piece of statement furniture.
Types of Sofas
Sydney is a trendy city but it is also a city that is in touch with its past.  The population’s diverse culture is recognized by both designers and manufacturer so it is a possibility that all types of sofas listed here is available in Sydney stores.
·         The Traditional Sofa - the most typical sofa that sits two to three people.  Heights of backrest and armrest vary. Contemporary ones come with a reclining portion that may be automatically controlled while others have pull-out sections underneath.

·         The Sleeper Sofa – Popular with the modern single Sydneysider studio apartment living. Cushions are removable to retrieve a foldable bed concealed within.  The bed is part of the construction.

·         The Victorian Settee – A classic style that has wooden ornamental frame and classy rich fabric.  One of the more expensive sofas but there are Sydney stores that offer replicas at a cheaper price.

·         The Sectional Sofas – A very popular sofa, it is usually available in four sections or more.  Unlike the traditional sofa, this one can be place side by side to form a continuous piece or separated and placed anywhere in the room.  Some form a U-shaped sofa or an L - shaped Sofa.  Some designs have recliners and pull-outs similar to the traditional sofas available.

·         The Loveseat – It is much like the traditional sofa but it only sits two people.

·         The Divan – It may or may have an armrest but definitely has no backrest.  Usually used to divide one section of the room from the other or placed against the wall and stuffed with pillows.

·         The Convertible Sofa and The Sofa Bed – Popularized recently, it’s a sofa that usually has a metal or wooden frame.  The backrest bends backwards and flattened to form a bed.

·         The Contemporary Sofa – They are more of a design statement rather than a functional piece of furniture.  But the industrial designers do take comfort and function into consideration.  Some of them are popular because of the materials used which mostly coincide with the concept of “green living”.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Choosing a Possum Removal Company

Possum Removal Problems?

You probably have been scouring the internet for ideas on how to get rid of the possum in your roof and nothing is working. You are at your wit’s end and that gnawing scratching noise seems to be stuck in your head.   Well you are not alone, and you are not the only one who wishes they did not have to spend for this service.  But in the long run, how much is peace of mind really worth? 
Asking help from professionals does not need to be stressful, you just need to know what to look for in a company so you get the kind of service you are paying for.
·         Experience and Expertise – a company who has been in business of getting rid of possums for a quite sometimes means that they have a good following. Ask them about their work and experiences. Experts do not hesitate to share what they know and are usually open to questions.
·         Environment Friendly Methods – most companies who offer possum removal services also offer other pest control services.  Those who promise environment friendly methods apply the same principle in other services. Possums are protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act of 1972, so, their safety must be ensured during the removal process and requires NPWS approved tools (traps, possum boxes and one way doors).
·         Proper Licenses and Permits – getting rid of possums in the roof or inside the walls is particularly difficult. The possum removal company should have a permit to trap and release and they should have the proper credentials to operate.
·         100% Guarantee – a company who guarantees their work 100 % means that they are confident that they can get rid of possums and that they stay out.
·         At least 12 Month Warranty – possums have a tendency to seek out the home it got so used to.  Having the option to call back the possum removal company as part of their previous service is a plus.
·         Local Services – local presence is a matter of convenience both for you and the possum removal company.
·         Proactive Service – wouldn’t be better if the people offer services actually listen to your needs from your budget, your available schedules and your preferences?
There are possum removal companies who have all the above criteria, for instance.  Hiring with fewer credentials might leave you more frustrated and find yourself spending more than you should.